Gardening Services

If you don’t have time or a green thumb for gardening in your yard, we can help your garden landscape stand out.


Beautiful Gardens, at Your Service

Our crews are seasoned & knowledgeable with the expertise to help you create beautiful garden landscapes. We will also monitor the progress and growth in your garden throughout the season.

Here are some of the gardening services that we can provide:

  • Weeding, cultivating, edging garden beds
  • Deadheading perennials and annuals when needed
  • Adding compost, mulch, loam, peat moss, or triple mix when required or requested
  • Winterizing of your garden (mounding & pruning roses), cutting back perennials, and burlapping where needed
  • Annual flower bed and bulb plantings; seasonal flower rotations
garden call section

Call or email us now to get more information or schedule a time for us to come out and give you a quote.

Learn more about our monthly plan packages. Combining services is a great way to get consistent maintenance at a great monthly plan package price.